Rhodes Courses

The Island of Rhodes
Rhodes is the largest of the Dodecanese Islands. One of the most important events in Rhodes’ 4,000 years recorded history was the formation of a new city in 407 B.C. from the existing three city-states of: Kamiros, Lindos and Ialysos. In the Hellenistic period, Rhodes was one of the finest and most well organized cities of the known world. The city was surrounded by impenetrable fortification, while the ships of Rhodes, roved throughout the Mediterranean Sea. Its streets were lined with temples, gymnasiums, theaters, and its city port entrance was adorned with the famous “Colossus of Rhodes”, one of the seven wonders of ancient world. Rhodes became one of the important centers of learning. Schools and academies of rhetoric and philosophy sprang up. Today, Rhodes is a vibrant cosmopolitan center attracting more tourists than any other Greek Island. In parallel to its crystal clear waters and beautiful beaches, the old city presents one of the most well preserved medieval castles.
The University Aegean
The University Of Aegean (UA) ( http://www.aegean.gr www.aegean.gr) has been established on five islands of the Aegean Archipelago. It is a rapidly growing University, which help define the Islands rich intellectual and social life. Particular emphasis is placed on research with diverse research programs established on environmental science, education, business administration and computer science, along with strong academic collaborations with European and Black Sea Universities. Most UA’s departments offer graduate level courses that lead to M. Sc. and Ph. D. degrees.
National Center for Marine Research
National Center for Marine Research (NCMR) has completed sixty years of Marine Research. NCMR ( “http://www.ncmr.gr” www.ncmr.gr) has five institutions which carry out research into specific thematic areas of: Oceanography, Aquaculture, Marine Biological Resources, Inland Waters, Marine Biology and Genetics.
Paideia Study Abroad Building
Most classes offered in Rhodes are taught in Paideia’s Study Abroad Educational Building. The building was granted to the program by the Ministry of Culture and is located in the historic Old Town of Rhodes, 13 Theophilioskou Street. It houses classrooms, offices, and a small library.
Students at Rhodes are housed at beautiful Semiramis hotel (www.semiramis.gr).
The hotel is in a quite area of town, 100 meters from the beach and has management at the front desk 24 hours a day. Across the street from the hotel is a medical facility. At university of Aegean cafeteria arrangements have been made for one meal daily (supper) and also lunch with a Paideia scholarship based on merit and need, during the school days for the entire semester.
Course Offerings
The courses will be taught in English (except Greek Language Courses) by regular professors within the premises of the University of Athens. All students must sign up for 5, with a minimum of 4 courses.
THE UNIVERSITY OF AEGEAN: All students must sign up for 5, with a minimum of 4 courses
The Greek Environment Three credits
Marine Ecology Three credits
General Oceanography Three credits
Marine Biology Three Credits
Introduction to Marine and Coastal Law Three credits
Maritime History and Underwater Archaeology Three credits
Global Ecopolitics Three credits
Environmental Policy and Politics Three credits
Environmental Resource Management Three credits
Study of Ancient Eastern Mediterranean Three credits
Minoan and Mycenaean History and Archaeology Three credits
History and archaeology of Ancient Greece Three credits
History and Archaeology of Byzantine Greece Three credits
History of Modern Greece Three credits
Rhodes of the Hellenistic Period Three Credit
Early Christian & Byzantine Art History Three credits
Topics in Aegean Greek And Roman Art Three credits
Modern Greek Literature Three credits
Family Theory Three credits
Introduction to Statistics Four credits
Introduction to Psychology Three credits
Developmental Psychology Three credits
Developmental Deviations during Childhood.
Counseling Psychology.
Educational Psychology.
Elementary Modern Greek I Four credits.
Elementary Modern Greek II Four credits.
Intermediate Modern Greek I Four credits
Intermediate Modern Greek II Four credits
Ancient Greek I Four credits
Ancient Greek II Four credits
Classical Mythology Three credits
The Law of Ancient Athens
Ancient Greek Rhetoric
Ancient Greek theater I: Aeschylus-Sophocles.
Ancient Greek theater II: Euripides-Aristophanes.
Technological and Didactical Innovations: Virtual Reality.
Multimedia and Virtual Learning Environments.
Language and Culture of Greece Three credits
Beginning Sculpture Three credits
Beginning Ceramics Three credits
Intermediate Sculpture Three credits
Intermediate Sculpture Three credits
Intermediate Ceramics Three credits
Off-Campus Studies in Art History One credit
Intermediate Painting Three credits
Introduction to Art and Architectural Restoration Three credits
Ancient Greek Art: Vase Painting and Sculpture