Thessaloniki Courses

Thessaloniki is the second largest city in Greece, a classical city full of Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine monuments. It was founded by Cassander and named after the sister of Alexander the Great. Over the long centuries of its history, today’s capital of Northern Greece has been distinguished as a foundation of the Hellenistic world and as the twin capital of Byzantium after Constantinople. Thessaloniki has been called a city of imagination, a melting-pot of populations and peoples, a city of myths, with roots stretching back into pre-history, a cosmopolitan center close to the beautiful resorts of Halkidiki.
Selection of courses
Thessaloniki students have the option to sign classes at Aristotle or Macedonia Universities. Thessaloniki students have the option to sigh classes at universities. Both universities are across the street to each other. All students must sign up to 5 with a minimum of 4 three credit courses.
The Aristotle University
The Aristotle University ( ““ is named after Aristotle, the great Greek philosopher and teacher of Alexander the Great. It is the largest University in the Balkans with 60,000 students, which help define the cities rich intellectual and social life.
The University of Madedonia
The University of Macedonia ( ““ started in 1957 as a graduate industrial school. From 1990 have also eight fields of undergraduate studies. Its main goal is the University of Macedonia students, dynamically and effectively to participate in the new challenges of an international and ever more globalize market.
Students at Thessaloniki will be housed at rental apartments. Arrangements have been made for one meal daily (supper) and also lunch with a Paideia scholarship based on merit and need, during the school days for the entire semester.
Course Offerings
The courses will be taught in English (except Greek Language Courses) by regular professors within the premises of the Aristotle and Macedonia Universities. All students must sign up for 5, with a minimum of 4 three credit courses.
All students must sign up for 5, with a minimum of 4 three credit courses.
Electronic Mass Media Technology(spring) 3 credits
Writing for Print 3 credits
Writing for Broadcast 3 credits
Talk, Interview & Discussion Programs (spring) 3 credits
Risk Communication & Globalization of Risk (spring) 3 credits
Television and Entertainment (spring) 3 credits
Structure of Radio and Magazine Industry (spring) 3 credits
Public Relations 3 credits
Interviewing (fall) 3 credits
Mass Communication Systems 3 credits
Political Communication and Democracy (spring) 3 credits
Power, Journalism & Political Communication in Film (fall) 3 credits
Multimedia Production(including Internet multimedia) 3 credits
Television Production II(including Web-TV) 3 credits
Computer Mediated Communication 3 credits
Radio Production (including Web – Radio) 3 credits
Public Policy Making: government, inter-governmentalism, governability
Media Management 3 credits
Environmental Journalism in SE Europe 3 credits
News Sources & International News Organizations 3 credits
Travel Journalism and Communication 3 credits
The Rise of Digital Genre: Online Newspapers 3 credits
Cultural and Creative Industries 3 credits
History of Architecture: Antiquity 3 credits
History of Architecture: Byzantium – Islam 3 credits
Restoration-Reuse of Historical Buildings(Methodology-Practice)
Greek Design and Architecture 3 credits
Diachronic Approach to Greek Architecture 3 credits
Tourism Development 3 credits
Lake and River Ecosystems 3 credits
Environmental Education and Awareness 3 credits
Marine Biology 3 credits
Elements of Sculpture
Sculpture V & VI
Engraving I, II, II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX & X
Elementary Modern Greek I Four
Elementary Modern Greek II Four credits
Intermediate Modern Greek I Four credits
Intermediate Modern Greek II Four credits
Drama Three credits
Poetry Three credits
All students must sign up for 5, with a minimum of 4 three credit courses.
Topics in Economic History of Greece 3 credits
Managerial Economics 3 credits
Financial Management 3 credits
Elements of European Community Law 3 credits
Business Law 3 credits
Business Strategy 3 credits
European Union: Institutions and Politics 3 credits
European Union and Greek Corporations 3 credits
International Organizations & Law 3 credits
International Relations @ Democratization in SE Europe
EU Economic Integration @ Labor Market Institutions
International Economic Law @ Law of International Transactions 3 credits
The EU & USA: Comparing Economic & Social Institutions
Labor Market Institutions and Human Resource
Management in the European Union and the United States 3 credits
Money, Banking and Financial Markets 3 credits
Principles of Microeconomics 3 credits
Principles of Macroeconomics 3 credits
Productions and Operations Management 3 credits
Organizational Behavior 3 credits
International Business 3 credits
International Marketing 3 credits
Economics & Business in Black Sea Region 3 credits
Economics and Business in The Balkan Region 3 credits
Consumer Behavior and Strategy 3 credits
Branding and Product Strategy 3 credits
Global Marketing Management 3 credits
Marketing Analysis and Decision Making 3 credits
Management and Organizational Behavior 3 credits
Marketing Analytics 3 credits
Public Relations 3 credits
Computer Networks & Security 3 credits
History of Modern Greece 3 credits
Elementary Modern Greek I Four credits
Elementary Modern Greek II Four credits
Intermediate Modern Greek I Four credits
Intermediate Modern Greek II Four credits